
Looking for something to do? Try some of this stuff...
Build a Hovercraft
I learned this one in good ol' AP Physics...
First, you need:
at least 1 shop vac or leaf blower
4'x4' piece of 1/2 inch thick plywood
a saw, jigsaw highly recommended
piece of fairly thick plastic large enough to cover the wood
~3" length of PVC pipe
staple gun
small chair/stool(optional)
1-2 road bicycle tires (optional, NOT mountain bike tires)
Now, first you should mark off the plywood. Find the center of the square piece and mark it. The size of the wood doesn't really matter, but the bigger it is in diameter, the more stable it is. Make a large makeshift compass with 2 pencils and a string and draw a circle around the center point of the wood. Now get your saw and cut the wood along the circle you just drew; it doesn't have to be perfect. Next, get your PVC pipe, which should either fit tightly around the inside or outside of your vacuum hose/leaf blower, and place it anywhere off center on the wood. Trace the pipe and cut out that circle you drew. Now glue the pipe in flush with the wood with caulk. The part of the pipe that sticks up will be where you hook up your power. Oh ho ho. Now cut a few holes about 3 inches wide into the piece of plastic. The plastic I'm talking about is found wrapped around new mattresses when you buy them, among other places. I guess you could also use a few layers of garbage bags, too. Staple the plastic onto the board so that it is stretched fairly tightly around the board. This will allow an air pocket to form so the board can hover. To protect the plastic from wearing out too fast, you can cut a bike tire and wrap it around the circumference of the board. Now, place a chair on the board, hook up the vaccuum/leafblower to the pipe, flip the switch to on (make sure the vacuum is set to "reverse" or "blow"), and have a friend give you a push to begin the ride of your life.
I suggest using a gas powered leaf blower, since it's more mobile and more powerful. With a vacuum, you are constrained by the length of your extension cord. For a higher lift, you could add more vacuums/leaf blowers.
For you reading pleasure.
"My guitar is the only thing in my life that hasn't fucked me over." - Dave Mustaine, of Megadeth
"Energy is what you need in rock 'n' roll. Energy and three chords." - Mick Jagger
"I want the idea and the sound of the idea to intoxicate - not the voltage. Otherwise it's a mindless thrusting that brings nothing but repulsion." - Jeff Buckley
"I think rap [is] America's punk." - Mick Jones, of the Clash
"The alternative [to violence] is for people to vent their frustrations through music." - Mick Jones, of the Clash
"Rap is teaching white kids what it means to be black, and that causes a problem for the infrastructure." - Chuck D
"The bigger you get, the less you can work - which is never a good thing for a musician."
- Keith Richards
"I like rock 'n' roll, and I don't like much else." - John Lennon
"[The Beatles] were just a band that made it very, very big, that's all." - John Lennon
"The blues had a baby, and they called it rock 'n' roll." - Muddy Waters
"Rock 'n' Roll's a man's job, little brother." -Freddie Mercury, of Queen, to Michael Jackson, 1983
"I think politics is an instrument of the devil." - Bob Dylan
"Bat-head biting good, dress bad." - Billy Corrigan of the Smashing Pumpkins, sarcastically summarizing Sharon Osborne's objections to his wearing a dress.
"A radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane." - Oscar Wilde
"History would be a wonderful thing - if it were only true." - Leo Tolstoy
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star." -
Stephen Hawkin
"Exercise is bunk. If you are healthy, you don't need it; if you are sick, you shouldn't take it." - Henry Ford
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