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Did you know? ...the loudest rock concert ever occurred at the Charlton Athletic Grounds expending 76,000 watts at a deafening 120 decibels. The band? It was The Who. ...the capital of Djibouti is Djibouti. ...if you kick an unstable old land mine, it will, as a matter of fact, explode. ...the principal export of the tiny tropical island of Nauru is bird droppings. ...Jimi Hendrix asphyxiated on his own vomit induced by alcohol. ...stupid people suck. Build Your Very Own Hovercraft! ... Here's how. Quoth The Raven ...Quotes from your favorite people. LokiHavok '00 is upon us. Prepare yourselves. ..."LokiHavok" you say? What is it? I don't know. I just made it up to take up some space in this lonely right column. This site made possible by: and |
Water Runs Dry
Saturday, July 29, 2000 - 21:14
Hello and welcome to another installment of "Ramblings in the World of Austin." Nothing new in my life at this time. Slow news month. Though, tomorrow I go to GA Tech's 2 day freshman orientation. Oh, and my friend in Thailand (hi Mod!) sent me a few pics she scanned which can be found in miscellaneous pics. There's a pic of me and Keli and my sister, Mod as a tiny baby, me and my sister as little kids, me and my mom and my sis in the late '80's, and one other one. Yeah, so check those out. Long live Napster! More anime comes to the Cartoon Network this fall: They will by showing anime movies every friday afternoon starting Friday, Oct. 20th. Reportedly, the first movie will be "Gundam: Endless Waltz."This outdoor water ban we have going on in the wonderful metro Atlanta area blows... no running through sprinklers with the warm afternoon sun beaming onto bare skin. But that's what rain is for, too (minus the sun part). Since it just happens to be raining outside tonight, I think I'll enjoy the moment. So, I'll catch you all later.
Monday, July 10, 2000 - 01:46
I have returned! Now that my girlfriend is on vacation, I have nothing left to do these late nights but this webpage. Well, since the last update, my braces have finally come off. My teeth look so huge with them off... nice and slippery, too. Some British dude made a funky-looking parachute based on a Leonardo Da Vinci design that Da Vinci had sketched in the margin of a notebook. The original design was scribbled by Da Vinci in a notebook in 1483. An accompanying note read: "If a man is provided with a length of gummed linen cloth with a length of 12 yards on each side and 12 yards high, he can jump from any great height whatsoever without injury." Now I feel inspired to jump from a plane with a homemade parachute. Oh, yeah, what the fuck happened to my guestbook? The last time I looked at it ( a few weeks ago), all the entries except for the last one had been erased! There were only a few entries to begin with, but it still pisses me off greatly. Damn bastards.
Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 23:24
One week 'til my braces come off. I'm counting that down on the countdown clock just to put it to use once again. Light can go faster than the speed of light! Apparently, under the right conditions, light can appear at a point before it even starts travelling to that same point... or something like that. It's really weird. Read the article.
Note to self:
Tuesday, June 6, 2000 - 0:47
Keli Yen is hot. Anesthesia is cool. Don't lose your mind. Bacon is good. Ganesh is god. The sun is down. Blame it on the rain.
Monday, June 5, 2000 - 20:55
No more high school ever again. Now since I was bored out of my mind... I was watching TRL on MTV and, unfortunately, N Sync was the #1 video. The only bright side to it is that Kim Smith is in the video (yet another one). That's probably why it's #1. Ok. I've added a few headers to some pages: tabs, misc. pics, hot girls, and that's it. View them if you wish. All graphics for this page should be complete. What a sad sad day *sigh*. I might have to redesign my page all over again. Good night.
T minus fourteen hours
Saturday, June 3, 2000 - 03:18
Graduation draws near. A mere fourteen hours until I officially rid myself of the ball and chain of high school and progress into the iron maiden that is Georgia Tech. Red Alert has once again sucked me into its greedy little paws of addiction. Nostalgia made me do it. I swear. Uh oh, a lobster smuggling conspiracy has been uncovered! Whoa, a 43 foot long guitar... imagine the possibilities: On June 6 at 2:00 P.M. at The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, a team of 11 high school students and their teacher are going to unveil the world's largest electric guitar. They have been working hard since last October to construct the world's largest, playable, electric guitar in hopes of breaking the existing Guinness record. At over 43 feet, their guitar should beat the current Guinness record of 38 feet 2 inches by over five feet.Mmm...giant guitar. Must build. Time for -*trumpet fanfare*- AUSTIN'S ANALYTICALLY AWESOME MOVIE REVIEWS! Short and sweet... Gladiator: mad tight yo. Right up there with Braveheart. Gotta love the gratuitous violence. Must see again and again and again... Road Trip: This movie is friggin' hilarious, and the so-called raunchiness only enhances the goodness. Much love for Tom Green's over-the-top random comedy. Mission: Impossible 2: This movie is ok. It's just your typical blow-up-everything shoot-'em-up movie. I didn't think there was anything particularly special really... unless it was because I wasn't really paying attention to the movie. Watch it if you want. Oh, P.S. for Keli... The Pacers destroyed the Knicks all thanks to Reggie Miller: Reggie Miller couldn't have picked a better time, a better place or a better way to finally put the Indiana Pacers into the NBA Finals.Who will be their opponent in the finals? Blazers? Lakers? I hope it's the Blazers.
Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 19:08
I am done with school! (Hypothetically speaking.) No more school ever again! That is, until August. Next two weeks of school are meaningless. Yep. Ahh. I'm bored already. So here I am. Sadly, I have five more days (~25 hours) left of working at EDI. Oh well, two weeks and 3 days until I start again at Draisen Edwards. Loads of fun will be had. Ok, AP exam venting time...First up, english. English sucks ass. Multiple choice was relatively easy, but the essays is where I got raped. The second essay was a bastard; it was some fictional diary of some guy written by Joseph Addison that was supposedly a satire of European or English society. I completely missed the satirical part of it. The passage was also really hard to understand since it was written in that stuffy English grammar of the 16th and 17th centuries. The poem essay question was slightly easier to comprehend, but was still horrible. I don't remember it all that well. The open question was the easiest...I wrote about Crime and Punishment. Next up to bat, calculus. Just like a rollercoaster. Started out really easy, but went downhill from there. Then came the final free response question, where it got semi-easier. Government...yeah. Took the class last semester, briefly reviewed stuff, but I don't wanna talk about it. Yes, it as that bad. Especially the free response. And then there was physics. I did 7 chapters of homework over the weekend when I found out that it was all due on Tuesday. Then, on Tuesday, I skipped a few classes to go to physics to cram for the exam and ended up attending 5 periods of physics. After school, some friends and I stayed in physics drilling on free response and getting help from the teacher until about 7:20. I was quite prepared for the exam on Wednesday. Again, multiple choice was a walk in the park, but the free response got a little rocky. Final day of exams for me = today. Macro- and microeconomics. Hmmm... I'm not taking macroeconomics as a class, and pretty much learned most of it last night and this morning. It was quite rough. You must be wondering, why take macroeconomics? Are you a dork? Well, Georgia Tech accepts micro and macro as two different credits since they have each as a separate economics class. I just want to get as many hours as I can before I got to Tech. Nevertheless, it doesn't look like I'll be getting macro credit. Micro, on the other hand, was so easy! maybe I just thought that because, compared to macro, it was. I know my microeconomics. Yeah! Ok, I'm done. Maybe I'll do something to the site over the weekend: cosmetic adjustments, ergonomic improvements, content updates...or, maybe not. Later.
Let the good times roll
Friday, April 21, 2000 - 23:19
I'm back in full force...for a brief moment, until after AP exams. So... over two weeks have passed. Much has occurred. I have bought stocks for an economics project - no good, my stocks have cost me almost $5,000 already, after only 2 days. Damn Genentech. The only upside is that I still have about $400,000 left to spend (out of $500,000). Have you heard the new Britney Spears single? That stupid Titanic song? What's up with that? Of all movies to allude to, it had to be Titanic? Why not The Matrix or Austin Powers, something cool? It's a crying shame. Scott Weiland and Dean DeLeo, half of the Stone Temple Pilots, recently played an acoustic session here in Atlanta, broadcasted live on 99X. It was pretty awesome, as well as funny. Some dude, about to ask a question was like, "So, back when you guys were doing the Temple of the Dog thing..." This seemed to piss off Scott Weiland greatly. If you don't know, Temple of the Dog was some project with some members of Pearl Jam and Chris Cornell of Soundgarden in the early 90's. Yeah. The dude went on to ask why they didn't play some heavier upbeat stuff, such as "Down." Scott Wyland responded, in a sarcastic tone, "Well, you see, that song requires loud drums, heavy distortion and amps turned all the way up to 20. As you may have noticed, this is an acoustic tour we're doing. You know, unplugged." That's just an approximation of what Weiland said, but he seriously put that guy in his place. What an idiot that audience member was. Check out what Eminem says about the current mainstream music situation: Boy/girl bands - little watered down pop groups, made bands, somebody sticks 'em together and makes something that's artificial, that's fuckin' phoney. You can only rhyme fuckin' 'fire' and 'desire' and 'heart' and 'fall apart' so many times an' I'm sick of seein' it, sick of hearin' it, and if I lose my fans 'cos they find out Eminem doesn't like N Sync, I don't give a fuck. Fuck N Sync, fuck Backstreet Boys, fuck Britney Spears, fuck Christine Aguilera, fuck all that bullshit, that shit is trash to me, fuckin' no talent.He also rags on Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, boy bands, and MTV in his next single "The Real Slim Shady" from his second album, "Marshall Mathers LP." Look at websites John Malkovitch style...such as (but not limited to) Yahoo!, Sound Domain, Walton High, or Fender. Click here to see your favorite website Malko-style. This is quite amusing.
Sunday, April 2, 2000 - 23:57
Spring break has finally arrived. Time for a little chillin' and kickin' back mellowin' out. Yeah... I've found a few screw-ups around the site, notably the messed up time on the countdown clock. I've fixed those annoyances. Then I organized my links. I've also acknowledged 2 things I couldn't do without on the right side under the parental advisory. LightWave Systems has announced that they will have their optical pickups ready for 6-string guitars by August 2000. I had news about this a month or 2 ago, but that was only when they had an optical bass guitar pickup. I've also learned that the optical pickups can pickup frequencies as low as 8 Hz. Considering that the typical hearing range for humans is from 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz, that may seem needless. However, if you really want to feel the music, frequencies that low will make you rumble in your seat, provided you have a speaker that can handle obscenely low frequencies.
Benadryl eez good.
Sunday, March 26, 2000 - 17:21
I'm in a daze right now. My mind is very distant b/c of some allergy/cold medicine I'm taking. The majority of this weekend has been spent sleeping. I've been awake for a total of maybe 9 hours so far this weekend. I guess sleep deprivation has caught up to me. All the dizzy spells I'd been having in increasing frequency the past few weeks have almost disappeared. Yay. Here's an excerpt of the closing of an email dated March 15th from George W. Bush in response to one of Al Gore's emails to him: Thank you for your email. This Internet of yours is a wonderful invention.Ouch. Low blow, but hilarious, nonetheless. G.W. Bush may not be so bad after all. McCain should've gotten the nomination though. By the way, I just found out that I forgot to upload all my tabs and fonts, so the links weren't working. They should be now.
More hard drive madness.
Sunday, March 19, 2000 - 22:49
Just when I thought the beast incarnate of hard drives, a.k.a. Maxtor's DiamondMax 60, ruled the world, IBM retaliates with its Deskstar 75GXP weighing in at an impressive 75 GB capacity...enough for over 1500 hours of mp3's...mmm. Excerpt from ZDNet on March 15: International Business Machines Corp. on Wednesday unveiled two disk drives that the world's largest computer maker said set records for data storage, including one that can hold information from a stack of documents more than two miles high. IBM said in a statement its 7,200 rpm Deskstar 75GXP drive for desktop computers held 75 gigabytes of data, more than 10 times the capacity of drives found in the average home personal computer.A single one of the new drives can now store the equivalent of up to 159 music compact discs or "the data contained in a stack of documents 20 times taller than the Washington Monument," the statement said. The monument is just over 555 feet tall. Twenty times that height is 11,100 feet, or 2.1 miles.How am I doing you ask? Well, thank you for caring. I'm doing quite well. I just spent most of the day learning how to use Powerpoint, since I've never had to use it. It's a pretty cool program. I have to make a Powerpoint presentation on John Crowe Ransom and his poem "Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter" due after spring break. Yeah, I know, I'm not procrastinating like I always do. Don't be shocked, there's always a time for change. I've got a cool intro...It's black screen, but the music playing in the background is the entrance music for Undertaker in the World Wrestling Federation. You know, the ringing of the melancholy/foreboding baritone bells every few seconds...anyway, since the poem is about a death of someone and has bells in the title, this song is perfect for my presentation. And I have cool graphics, too. I've made them all myself. I'm so proud. Yeah.
Economics is bunk.
Tuesday, March 14, 2000 - 21:31
Hello. A few people have pointed out that my pictures don't come up on Netscape browsers. I have no idea why this would happen... All I can say is that Netscape sucks, and you should get Internet Explorer. Or someone could enlighten me with the knowledge of how to correct this horrible mishap. I guess I'll mess around with it in the meantime. The heaven of hard drive storage has arrived...a massive 60 gigabytes of vast endless plains of storage where you can store as many mp3s and such as your heart desires. Produced by Maxtor, the DiamondMax 60 contains 50% more storage space than any other previous hard drive. This giant leap seems to be following in the footsteps of the processor battle between Intel and AMD. News Archive (12/24/99-3/12/00)...
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