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tuesday december 23, 2003, 9:20 pm - experimentation

good day, good sir. fantastically well i am certainly not fine by far, but you could say i am spectacular. i'm meeting fine in a minute. hehe. outkast rocks.

so anyway... today i learned how to do perl based cgi scripting. fun stuff. i learned it so i could make a common template for each of my pages instead of cutting and pasting the same code over and over into every single file. and if i made a change to that code... cut and paste all over again. pain in the ass. that's why my layout hasn't changed in like 4 years. laziness. yes, BIG part of me.

so yeah, checkout my webpage's new look! sort of new... if you remember, i was redesigning it back in early september. just now got around to finishing that up. i was trying to keep it simple, but it ended up being a little bit more than simple, but not quite enough to be unsimple if that makes sense. and i guess it doesn't...

oh, my color schemes look strangely familiar... oh, that's right, i'm so creative i basically used the same colors as before. how's that for consistency? uh huh. i should change colors, shouldn't i? oh well, too late now. it doesn't matter anyway, i don't think anyone really visits my webpage.

but that's ok, cuz i'm still flyyyyyyyyyyy.

random place for a title...

abi and i, happy
new content... austin is the coolest kid in the world...

what the hell is going on... huh? hmm... what the fuck... this is just a test, this is only a test. we're gonna have a problem here... maybe not. blockquotes are the coolest thing in the world. unlike capitalization. cuz capitalization is gay as fuck.

and back again to reality. there's a lady who's sure... all that glitters is gold... and she's buying a stairway to heaven... what a good song that is.

i miss abi. i can't wait to get back home.


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